15 Ways to Bond with Your Baby During the Early Months

Written by: Megan Stander


Time to Read: 6 min

Bonding with your baby is a fundamental aspect of their emotional and cognitive development. It lays the foundation for a secure attachment that influences their overall well-being throughout life.

In this article, you will find natural and fun ways to bond with your baby.

The emotional connection formed during the early stages of infancy inspires a sense of trust and security for the baby. As a caregiver consistently attends to the baby's needs, be it through comforting embraces, feeding, or reassuring words, the infant develops a reliance on this steadfast caregiving. 

This reliance forms the bedrock for cultivating robust social and emotional connections as the child matures, nurturing resilience and fostering a positive self-concept.

Bonding holds significance not only for the baby but also exerts a profound influence on the caregiver. The mutual aspect of bonding establishes a strong connection that yields considerable joy, fulfillment, and instills a profound sense of responsibility. 

Engaging in activities that promote bonding, such as play, reading, or simply spending quality time together, releases oxytocin—the "bonding hormone"—in both the parent and the baby. This hormonal response not only strengthens the emotional connection but also contributes to the parent's sense of competence and satisfaction in their caregiving role.

Fundamentally, the significance of bonding extends beyond the present moment, serving as the groundwork for a robust, emotionally secure, and mutually fulfilling relationship between parent and child.

Here are activities to foster strong bonding and attachment with your little one:

15 Ways to Bond with Your Baby During the Early Months

Cuddle Time

There's nothing quite like the warmth of a parent's embrace. Spend some quality cuddle time to bond with baby—whether it's during feeding, naptime, or just because. Always choose cuddle time over household chores because your little one won't be little for long and you will really miss not making the most of those precious moments.

Skin-to-Skin Contact

Skin-to-skin contact is a powerful bonding technique that provides your baby with a sense of warmth, security, and familiarity. It mimics the nurturing environment of the womb, promoting relaxation and emotional attachment.

Read Aloud

Read Aloud - 15 Ways to Bond with Baby - raising mama - maternal mental health support

Cultivate a love for books by reading aloud to your baby. Even if your baby can't understand the words, the rhythm and cadence of your voice can be captivating. Have fun with goofy facial expressions to elicit smiles from your baby as you narrate the story. Choose simple and colorful books with large images, and enjoy a special story-time together.

Play Peekaboo

This classic game never gets old. Cover your face with your hands or a cloth and then reveal yourself with a cheerful "Peekaboo!" Your baby will likely respond with giggles and smiles.

Sing and Dance Together

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Babies love the sound of your voice. Singing a lullaby or just humming a tune can help create a special bond through music. Both activities tend to have a very calming effect on babies. You could also get creative and compose a unique lullaby or song for your baby. Add some gentle swaying or dancing to make it a fun bonding activity. Play music regularly and sing along to encourage your baby's response.

Baby Massage

Gently massaging your baby with baby-safe oil can be a calming and bonding experience. Pay attention to their cues—if they seem to enjoy it, it's a wonderful way to connect. Enjoy baby massages, a delightful way to connect with your little one. 

Tummy Time

Tummy time - 15 Ways to Bond with Baby - raising mama - maternal mental health support

Spend time on the floor with your baby during tummy time. Engage them with colorful toys, mirrors, or just your smiling face. It helps strengthen their neck and back muscles while providing an opportunity for interaction.

Create a Routine

Establishing a daily routine can provide a sense of familiarity and security for your baby. Whether it's a consistent bedtime routine or a special morning ritual, predictability can strengthen your bond.

Go for a Stroll

Go for a stroll - 15 Ways to Bond with Baby - raising mama - maternal mental health support

Explore the world with your baby for a change of scenery. If the weather allows, take your baby for a leisurely stroll in the stroller. The fresh air and change of scenery can be stimulating for them, and the rhythmic movement is often soothing.

Embrace Your Baby's Pace

Embracing your baby's pace involves recognizing and appreciating the individuality of their developmental journey. It means refraining from undue stress or comparison with arbitrary milestones. 

Babies, much like adults, have their own rhythm and timeline for acquiring skills and reaching developmental milestones. Instead of pressuring your baby to meet predefined expectations, it's crucial to appreciate and celebrate the progress they make, no matter how small or gradual.

Play Games With Touch

Explore different textures with your baby's hands—soft fabrics, fuzzy blankets, or smooth surfaces. This sensory exploration not only stimulates their development but also creates positive associations with touch.

Maintain Eye Contact During Feedings

Strengthen your connection with your little one by maintaining eye contact while feeding. No matter how you choose to nourish your baby whether by breastfeeding, feeding expressed milk via bottle or using formula or a combination of everything, remember to smile. Smiling while you're feeding your baby reassures your baby and gives him a sense of security. It also helps your baby recognize your face, develop social skills, and understand emotions.

Be Present

Sometimes, the simplest way to bond is just to be present. Put away distractions, make eye contact, and enjoy the moments of connection with your baby. Your undivided attention is one of the most valuable gifts you can give. Unplug and focus. Put your phone away and give undivided attention to your baby.

Respond To Cries

Infants communicate primarily through crying, signaling hunger, discomfort, fatigue, or a need for attention. By consistently responding to these cries, you not only address their immediate needs but also convey a reassuring message that they can rely on you for comfort and care.


During these moments, it's essential for caregivers to stay calm and composed. Infants are highly attuned to the emotional cues of their caregivers, and a calm demeanor can have a soothing effect on them. 


While responding, using a gentle and reassuring tone can further contribute to the calming process. Speaking in a soft, soothing manner provides not only auditory comfort but also helps create a positive association between your voice and a sense of security for the baby. 


This practice of responding to cries with calmness and reassurance not only fosters emotional well-being but also teaches the baby that their needs are acknowledged and attended to. 

Celebrate Diaper Changes

Diaper changes - 15 Ways to Bond with Baby - raising mama - maternal mental health support

Celebrating diaper changes is an opportunity to turn what might be considered a mundane task into a joyful and bonding experience. Infants, even during routine activities like changing diapers, seek connection and engagement with their caregivers. By infusing these moments with cheerful songs, laughter, and admiration, you transform a seemingly routine task into a shared, positive interaction.

By consolidating these bonding activities, you can focus on meaningful interactions and nurturing your bond with your baby.

Why is bonding with my baby important?

Bonding with your baby is crucial for their emotional and cognitive development, laying the foundation for a secure attachment. This attachment influences their overall well-being, nurturing resilience, fostering a positive self-concept, and promoting robust social and emotional connections as they grow.

How can I bond with my newborn?

There are several natural and enjoyable ways to bond with your baby, including cuddle time, skin-to-skin contact, reading aloud, playing games like peekaboo, singing and dancing together, baby massage, and engaging in tummy time. These activities not only strengthen the emotional connection but also support your baby's development.

Does bonding with my baby benefit me as a caregiver?

Yes, the process of bonding has profound benefits for caregivers as well. It establishes a strong connection that brings joy, fulfillment, and a deep sense of responsibility. Activities that promote bonding release oxytocin, enhancing the caregiver's emotional connection and sense of competence.

What if my baby seems unresponsive to bonding activities?

Babies, like adults, have their own pace and preferences. It's essential to observe and respond to your baby's cues. Some days they might be more receptive to certain activities than others. Patience and persistence are key. If concerns arise about your baby's responsiveness or development, consulting a pediatrician can provide guidance and reassurance.

Can simple daily routines also help in bonding with my baby?

Absolutely. Establishing a daily routine, such as consistent bedtime rituals or special morning activities, provides your baby with a sense of security and predictability. These routines can significantly strengthen your bond, making your baby feel loved and secure. Celebrating even the mundane tasks, like diaper changes, with joy and engagement can turn routine care into bonding opportunities.