Raising Mama A Comprehensive Guide to Nursing Your Newborn Empowering Your Breastfeeding Journey

A Comprehensive Guide to Nursing Your Newborn: Empowering Your Breastfeeding Journey: Insights, Techniques, and Community Support

Written by: Megan Stander


Time to Read: 10 min

Welcoming a newborn into your world is like navigating uncharted waters: it’s thrilling, overwhelming, and filled with the joy of discovery. Especially for first-time mothers, the delicate art of breastfeeding, with its profound benefits and myriad challenges, can seem like a universe unto itself. The harmony between the mother and her baby, the silent communication, the innate ability to nourish — it’s nothing short of miraculous.

The aim of this guide is to provide comprehensive information and support to pregnant mothers or new moms in the early weeks of postpartum regarding breastfeeding.

We emphasize the importance of community and expert support, suggesting that mothers need not navigate the breastfeeding journey alone.

Deciphering the Evolution of Breast Milk

Breast milk is nature’s tailor-made food for your baby.

  • Colostrum: This ‘first milk’ is rich in antibodies and vital nutrients. Its golden-yellow hue isn’t just for show; it’s packed with goodness that offers first-line defense against infections.

  • Transitional Milk: Gradually replacing colostrum, this milk is abundant in both fat and lactose, promoting brain development and steady growth.

  • Mature Milk: Hydrating, nourishing, and protective — it changes its consistency and nutritional profile based on your baby’s needs.

Mastering the Latch

Ensuring a proper latch is pivotal:

Positioning is Fundamental: Ensuring that the baby’s mouth is aligned with the nipple is essential. The baby should be tummy-to-tummy with the mother, and the mother may need to use pillows or supports to bring the baby to nipple height. A well-positioned baby will be able to take in more of the areola with the nipple centered in their mouth.

Signs of a Good Latch: When the baby is latched on correctly, their lips should be flanged outwards (like a fish), and more of the mother’s areola will be visible above the baby’s top lip than below the bottom lip. The baby’s chin should be touching the breast, and there should be rhythmic sucking with visible or audible swallowing. A good latch usually means less pain for the mother and more efficient feeding for the baby.

Seek Support if Needed: Achieving the perfect latch can sometimes be a challenge. If a mother experiences persistent pain, cracked nipples, or if the baby seems unsatisfied after feedings, it might be due to an improper latch. In such cases, it’s beneficial to seek guidance from a lactation consultant or pediatrician, who can provide personalized advice and techniques to improve the latching process.

Mastering the latch - breastfeeding journey - raising mama

Exploring Different Breastfeeding Positions

Finding a comfortable position is crucial.

Laid-back Breastfeeding: Support your neck and shoulders and lean back. Let your baby rest on you and let gravity do the work.

Cradle Hold: Perfect for the early months, cradle your baby in your arms with its head resting in your elbow fold.

Crossover Hold: Use the opposite hand to hold your baby’s head, guiding them to the breast.

Football Hold: Especially helpful for mothers who’ve had C-sections or those with twins, tuck your baby under your arm, similar to holding a football.

Side-lying Position: Both mother and baby lie facing each other. It’s great for night feeds but ensures safe bedding conditions.

Upright or Koala Hold: The baby sits upright while latching on, beneficial for babies with reflux issues.

Twin Hold: For twins, use a combination of holds to feed both babies simultaneously.

Harnessing Support and Community

You’re not alone on this breastfeeding journey:

  • Peer Sharing: Connect with other moms. Their experiences and stories can offer invaluable insights.

  • Lactation Consultants: Lactation consultants provide expert guidance and support to new mothers on breastfeeding techniques, addressing challenges, and ensuring optimal milk production and baby nourishment.

  • Breastfeeding Classes and Groups: They offer a wealth of information and the chance to ask questions and practice with guidance.

Dietary Needs for the Nursing Mother

Your nutritional intake directly impacts breastfeeding:

  • Increased Caloric Intake:

     Nursing mothers typically require an additional 300–500 calories per day to support milk production, depending on the age of the baby and the frequency of feedings.

  • Hydration is Key:

     Producing breast milk increases the body’s demand for fluids, making it crucial for nursing mothers to drink at least 8–10 glasses of water daily, or even more based on thirst cues.

  • Balanced Diet with Nutrient-Rich Foods:

     Consuming a variety of protein sources, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables ensures that both the mother and the baby receive essential vitamins and minerals; it also enriches the nutritional profile of breast milk.

  • Calcium and Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

     To support bone health and baby’s brain development, it’s essential to include calcium-rich foods like dairy products, tofu, and leafy greens, as well as omega-3 sources such as low-mercury fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds.

  • Limit Caffeine and Alcohol:

     While moderate caffeine intake is generally considered safe, excessive amounts can affect the baby’s sleep and mood; similarly, while occasional alcohol consumption might be acceptable, it’s advised to time it carefully, allowing the body ample time to process the alcohol before the next feeding.

Overcoming Breastfeeding Journey Challenges

While nursing is natural, challenges can arise:


This painful inflammation of the brest tissue can result from a blocked milk duct or a bacterial infection. Symptoms include breast pain, swelling, warmth, redness, and flu like symptoms such as fever and chills. Prompt treatment with antibiotics is required.


Caused by the Candida fungus, thrush can affect both the mother’s nipples and the baby’s mouth. It results in painful, itchy, and shiny or flaky nipples for the mother, and white patches inside the baby’s mouth. Both mother and baby typically need treatment to prevent passing the infection back and forth.

Tongue and Lip Ties:

A tongue tie (ankyloglossia) is a condition in which a short, tight band of tissue restricts the movement of the baby’s tongue. A lip tie restricts the upper lip. Both conditions can affect the baby’s latch, potentially causing nipple pain and poor milk transfer.

Low Milk Supply:

Various medical factors can contribute to low milk supply, including hormonal imbalances (e.g., thyroid or pituitary disorders), previous breast surgeries, or insufficient glandular tissue. This challenge often requires a multifaceted approach, including medical intervention, lactation support, and sometimes supplementation.

Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex (D-MER): 

This is a condition in which a mother experiences a surge of negative emotions or an abrupt mood drop just before milk release, which can be unsettling. The exact cause of D-MER isn’t fully understood, but it’s believed to involve a rapid decrease in dopamine levels during letdown.

Blocked Ducts: 

These occur when milk flow is obstructed, leading to a painful lump in the breast. The affected area can be tender, red, and swollen. Blocked ducts can be caused by infrequent feedings, ineffective milk removal, tight clothing, or other factors. If not addressed promptly, a blocked duct can lead to mastitis. 

To relieve a blocked duct, it’s important to continue breastfeeding or pumping to ensure adequate milk flow, apply warm compresses, and massage the affected area. Proper latch and varied feeding positions can also help in preventing recurrent blocked ducts.

Monitoring Baby’s Intake

Keeping an eye on the baby’s breastmilk intake is crucial for these reasons:

  • Adequate Growth: Ensuring that the baby is getting enough milk is vital for proper growth and development. Breastmilk provides the primary source of nutrition for infants, containing the right balance of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and other nutrients needed for optimal growth.

  • Hydration: Babies, especially newborns, can quickly become dehydrated if they aren’t receiving sufficient breast milk. Proper hydration is crucial for numerous bodily functions, including maintaining a stable internal environment and supporting kidney function.

  • Immune Support: Breast milk contains antibodies, enzymes, and immune cells that help protect the baby from illnesses. Adequate intake ensures that the baby benefits from this natural immune support.

  • Digestive Health: Breastmilk promotes a healthy gut microbiome in infants. It contains beneficial bacteria and prebiotics that help populate the baby’s intestines with the right microbes, supporting digestion and reducing the risk of certain diseases later in life.

  • Emotional Well-being: Sufficient feeding doesn’t only cater to physical needs. Breastfeeding provides emotional comfort, enhancing the bond between the mother and child. A well-fed baby tends to be more content, experiencing less distress and fussiness.
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Signs That a Baby Might Not Be Getting Adequate Intake:

  • Inadequate Weight Gain: One of the most reliable signs of insufficient milk intake is if the baby isn’t gaining weight at an expected rate after the initial weight loss common in the first few days post-birth.

  • Decreased Diaper Output: Fewer than six wet diapers in 24 hours after the first week can indicate insufficient hydration. Additionally, if the baby has fewer than three bowel movements a day in the first month or the stools are not transitioning from meconium (dark, sticky stools of newborns) to yellow, seedy stools, it could be a sign of insufficient intake.

  • Constant Fussiness: While some fussiness is normal, especially during growth spurts or developmental leaps, a baby who is constantly crying, especially after feedings, may still be hungry.

  • Lethargy: A baby who is too sleepy and shows little interest in feeding or doesn’t wake up often to feed might not be getting enough milk. It’s essential to ensure that newborns feed at least every 2–3 hours.

  • Signs of Dehydration: Sunken soft spots (fontanelles) on the baby’s head, dark yellow urine, dry mouth or lips, or skin that doesn’t spring back when pinched are signs of dehydration and indicate the baby isn’t receiving enough milk.

  • Breast Changes in the Mother: If the mother’s breasts don’t feel softer after a feeding or if she never feels the sensation of milk let-down, it might indicate that the baby isn’t effectively drawing out milk.

It’s essential to consult with a pediatrician or lactation consultant if there are concerns about a baby’s milk intake. They can provide guidance, reassurance, and actionable advice to support breastfeeding success.

Managing Milk Leaks

Milk leaks are a common occurrence for many breastfeeding mothers, especially during the initial weeks postpartum. Here are some strategies to manage and minimize milk leaks:

  • Breast Pads: Wear absorbent breast pads inside your bra to catch leaks. There are both disposable and washable, reusable varieties available. Ensure they’re changed regularly to avoid skin irritation and the growth of yeast or bacteria.

  • Feed or Pump Regularly: Keeping a regular feeding or pumping schedule can help manage the amount of milk in the breasts and reduce unexpected leaks.

  • Apply Pressure: If you feel the tingle of a let-down reflex when it’s not feeding time (like when hearing a baby cry), you can discreetly apply pressure to your nipples by crossing your arms over your chest and pressing gently.

  • Nursing on Demand: Instead of sticking strictly to a schedule, try feeding your baby whenever they show signs of hunger. This can help keep your breasts from becoming overly full and prone to leaking.

  • Mind Your Sleeping Position: If you leak a lot at night, try sleeping on your back or using a towel or cloth diaper underneath you to catch any leaks. Some mothers also wear a soft bra with breast pads to bed.

  • Dark Clothing and Patterns: If you’re worried about leaks showing on your clothes, wear dark-colored clothing or patterns, which can hide wet spots better than light or solid colors.

  • Stay Calm: It’s essential to remember that leaking is entirely normal and typically reduces over time as your body becomes more attuned to your baby’s feeding habits.

Knowledge is your ally in this journey. With the insights and strategies provided in this guide, combined with the collective wisdom of a supportive community, you’re not just prepared — you’re empowered.

Embrace this chapter with optimism, knowing that every drop of milk and every shared gaze fortifies a foundation of health and connection. And as you move forward, never hesitate to seek out further advice, delve deeper into resources, and lean on your community — ensuring both you and your baby thrive in the earliest chapters of your shared story.

How can a new mother ensure a proper latch during breastfeeding?

Ensuring a proper latch involves positioning the baby correctly, with the baby's mouth aligned with the nipple so that the baby takes in more of the areola, and the nipple is centered in their mouth. Signs of a good latch include the baby's lips flanged outwards, rhythmic sucking with visible or audible swallowing, and minimal pain for the mother. If challenges arise, seeking support from a lactation consultant or pediatrician is recommended.

What are some effective breastfeeding positions for new mothers?

Effective breastfeeding positions include the laid-back breastfeeding, cradle hold, crossover hold, football hold, side-lying position, upright or koala hold, and twin hold. Each position offers benefits for different situations, such as comfort during night feeds, support for mothers who had C-sections, or accommodating twins.

Why is dietary management important for nursing mothers, and what should they focus on?

Dietary management is vital for nursing mothers because their nutritional intake directly affects milk production and quality. Nursing mothers should focus on increasing their caloric intake by 300-500 calories per day, staying hydrated, and eating a balanced diet rich in protein, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Limiting caffeine and alcohol is also advised to avoid affecting the baby's sleep and mood.

How can breastfeeding challenges like mastitis, thrush, and low milk supply be addressed?

Addressing breastfeeding challenges involves recognizing symptoms early and seeking prompt treatment or support. Mastitis requires antibiotics and continued breastfeeding or pumping, thrush treatment involves medication for both mother and baby, and addressing low milk supply may include medical intervention, lactation support, and sometimes supplementation. For blocked ducts, maintaining milk flow through breastfeeding or pumping, applying warm compresses, and massaging the affected area can help.

What are the signs that a baby might not be getting adequate breast milk intake?

Signs of inadequate breast milk intake include insufficient weight gain, fewer than six wet diapers in 24 hours after the first week, constant fussiness after feedings, lethargy, signs of dehydration (e.g., sunken fontanelles, dark yellow urine), and insufficient breast changes in the mother after feeding. Consulting a pediatrician or lactation consultant is crucial if these signs are observed.

What strategies can help manage milk leaks for breastfeeding mothers?

Strategies for managing milk leaks include using absorbent breast pads inside the bra, maintaining a regular feeding or pumping schedule, applying pressure to the nipples during unexpected let-downs, nursing on demand, adjusting sleeping positions to minimize leaks at night, and wearing dark-colored or patterned clothing to conceal leaks. Remember, leaking is normal and often decreases as the body adjusts to the baby's feeding needs.