First 6 Weeks of Postpartum - featured image - raising mama - maternal mental health support

Navigating the First 6 Weeks of Postpartum: A Rollercoaster of Emotions and Discoveries

Written by: Megan Stander


Time to Read: 7 min

In this blog, we'll explore:

  • various aspects of the postpartum period

  • better perspective on the hurdles that may come your way

  • practical and effective solutions to easing your postpartum experience 

Bringing a new life into the world marks the beginning of a challenging and transformative journey known as postpartum. The first 6 weeks of postpartum are a whirlwind of emotions, physical changes, and new responsibilities.

Being aware of these challenges and knowing how to deal with them is crucial to getting through what would probably be the biggest change in your life. 

First 6 Weeks of Postpartum: What to Expect

Here's a detailed breakdown of what to expect during the first six weeks of your life after childbirth.

  • Adjusting to New Parenthood

  • Bonding With Newborn

  • Hormonal Shifts, Emotional Changes and Mental Wellbeing

  • Breastfeeding Challenges

  • Navigating Sleep Deprivation

  • Physical Changes

  • Change in Relationship Dynamics

Adjusting to New Parenthood

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Adjusting to new parenthood is a multifaceted journey. Crafting a new routine while you go through major lifestyle changes while you try to bond with a small baby who is completely dependent on you is not easy.  

Navigating this uncharted territory requires a blend of patience, communication, and a willingness to embrace the unpredictable. From soothing a crying baby to managing household tasks with a newborn in tow, every day presents a unique set of hurdles. It's a learning curve that fosters resilience, teamwork, and a deepened understanding of the intricate dance between responsibility and joy. 

As you adapt to the role of a new parent, the support of family and friends, along with a touch of humor, becomes invaluable. Seeking help and support from your loved ones can really help you to adjust to the different rhythms and routine of your new life in a much better way. 

Bonding with the Newborn

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Building a strong bond with the newborn is a central aspect of adjusting to parenthood. It is a big lifestyle change that should not be taken lightly. It involves spending quality time together, engaging in skin-to-skin contact, feeding the baby, and responding to the baby's cues.

For many new moms, the deepening connection with their child comes easily and for some it takes a while, and both situations are okay. Just like with any relationship, creating a bond with your baby takes love, time, and attention. Do not rush. Instead take your time and enjoy getting to know your little one as much as he tries to get to know you!

Hormonal Shifts, Emotional Changes, and Mental Wellbeing

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The emotional landscape, especially during the six weeks of postpartum can be tumultuous. 

Hormonal shifts, sleep deprivation, and the challenges of adapting to parenthood may lead to mood swings and moments of doubt. The so-called "baby blues" are common in the first weeks, characterized by mood swings and moments of tearfulness. However, persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, or isolation may indicate postpartum depression. 

Seeking support whether from a partner, family, or a support group can make a significant difference. Communicating openly about these emotions is a vital step towards maintaining emotional equilibrium.

Breastfeeding Challenges

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While breastfeeding is a beautiful bonding experience, it can also be accompanied by hurdles that require patience and support.


For mothers who choose to breastfeed, the first weeks can present challenges such as latching issues, engorgement, sensitive nipples and finding a comfortable rhythm. Lactation consultants and support groups can provide valuable guidance. 


For moms who have a lack of supply, moms who choose to pump exclusively or do a combo feed, the problem set will be different. During this time, it is essential to understand that different problems require different solutions. Be flexible, solution oriented, and patient as you and your baby take this journey together. You are doing the best you can mama, and that's all that counts!

Sleep Deprivation

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Postpartum is a period of profound adjustment, both emotionally and practically, and being sleep deprived doesn't help. In fact, sleep deprivation is one of the most common challenges not just during the first six weeks, but beyond that as well. 

Understand that by not getting sleep during your usual sleep time, you have to get sleep whenever you can. It may take some time to get used to a new sleep concept, but be flexible. 

A good way to navigate this challenge would be by establishing a sleep routine, taking turns with your partner for night-time care, and accepting help from friends or family. While it may not always happen, remember to nap when the baby naps.

Physical Changes

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The first six weeks of postpartum bring about a multitude of changes as your body undergoes recovery from exhausting childbirth. While that physical recovery is in full swing, you may experience a host of postpartum symptoms, from soreness and bleeding to hormonal fluctuations.  

It's crucial to prioritize self-care, including rest, hydration, and gentle exercises recommended by your healthcare provider. Here are some common physical changes during this period:

  • Care after C-Section

    Whether you have gone through a c-section or a vaginal delivery, it is important to let your body heal and recover by letting it rest as much as possible. 

    You wouldn't ask a patient who's had surgery to start running or doing household chores within a week. In the same way, be kind to yourself and follow your doctor's care instructions for your body post-surgery.

    • Pat the incision dry after you take a shower. 

    • Try not bending as much as possible. 

    • Do not lift heavy things. 

    • Keep a soft pillow on your belly when you cough, this will provide comfort and support to your belly.

  • Perineal Healing:

    If you had a vaginal delivery, the perineum (the area between the vagina and anus) may be sore or swollen. Stitches from an episiotomy or tear will begin to heal, and keeping the area clean is essential for preventing infection. 

    Avoid strenuous activities and exercises, such as bicycle riding, running, aerobics, and weight lifting for about 6 weeks or until your doctor says it is okay.

  • Uterine Contractions:

    After giving birth, the uterus begins to contract to its pre-pregnancy size. This process, known as involution, can cause cramping or discomfort.

    Breastfeeding can also trigger uterine contractions. These contractions, often called afterpains, help the uterus return to its normal size and may be more noticeable during subsequent pregnancies.

  • Vaginal Bleeding (Lochia):

    Vaginal bleeding, known as lochia, is normal after childbirth. Initially, it is bright red and heavy, resembling a heavy menstrual period. Over the weeks, it transitions to a lighter flow and changes in color. If you have gone through a c-section, the lochia will probably stop sooner. Use good quality pads and change them frequently.

  • Breast Changes:

    Breasts undergo changes as they adjust to breastfeeding or formula feeding. It can be a painful process where your nipples may become engorged, tender, or swollen and sensitive.

  • Abdominal Changes:

    The abdominal muscles, stretched during pregnancy, begin to regain tone. However, it takes time for the belly to return to its pre-pregnancy state, and some women may experience lingering abdominal discomfort.

  • Hormonal Fluctuations:

    Hormone levels, particularly estrogen and progesterone, undergo significant changes after childbirth. These fluctuations can contribute to mood swings, sweating, and hot flashes. These changes also impact your skin and hair.

  • Weight Loss:

    While it is natural to worry about losing weight, it's essential to focus on a healthy and gradual return to pre-pregnancy weight. Extreme dieting during postpartum is not recommended as the body needs sufficient nutrients for recovery and breastfeeding.

  • Fluid Retention:

    Swelling, especially in the hands and feet, is common due to fluid retention during pregnancy. While this will decrease in the ensuing weeks, staying hydrated and keeping the feet elevated helps.

  • Joint and Muscle Pain:

    Pregnancy is a hormonal roller-coaster. During pregnancy, the body releases relaxin and progesterone hormones. These hormones cause the ligaments to relax to aid in a vaginal delivery.

    However, the physical demands of childbirth can lead to joint and muscle pain. Gentle exercises, such as postpartum yoga or walking, can aid in recovery.

  • Urinary Problems:

    Following childbirth, you might experience burning sensation while urinating or face difficulties in controlling the flow, a condition known as incontinence. Typically, this issue gets resolved as your pelvic muscles regain strength over time. Kegel exercises help.

Change in Relationship Dynamics:

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The journey into parenthood is a shared experience, and mutual support is invaluable. The first couple months especially can be very intense and stressful as they impact one's lifestyle in a major way. 

A new mom recovering from childbirth will want to spend much of her time with her baby while recovering physically from the experience of childbirth. A new father will deal with this change differently. This will impact your relationship dynamics in a big way. Both you and your partner are in the process of adjusting to the presence of a newborn. Your partner may be experiencing the same levels of stress and nervousness about parenthood as you are.

This is why it is important to lean on each other and keep communication open as you care for a newborn.

When you embrace parenthood as a team, things become easier. Open communication, shared responsibilities, and understanding each other's needs are crucial for navigating this journey as a team. Celebrate the small victories, and don't be afraid to ask for help when needed.

Here are some steps you can take navigate the complexities of parenthood smoothly:

  • Learn together and share responsibilities:

    Explore the world of baby care as a team. Allow your partner to actively participate in caring for the baby. Avoid the temptation to take on all tasks yourself.

  • Communication is key:

    Foster open communication between you and your partner. Discussing your feelings can prevent misunderstandings and alleviate feelings of hurt and frustration.

  • Discuss intimacy and spend quality time:

    Communicate with your partner about the guidance provided by your healthcare provider regarding when it's advisable to resume sexual activity. Carve out time for just the two of you where you can take a walk, go out to eat, or indulge in any activity that brings you joy. Trust someone reliable to care for the baby for a couple hours during these breaks.

The first six weeks of postpartum are filled with a myriad of emotions, physical changes, and new discoveries. While it can be challenging, it's also a period of immense joy, bonding, and growth. By prioritizing self-care, seeking support, and embracing the journey, new parents can navigate the postpartum life with resilience and love.